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Part of a sustainable and far-reaching network
We have a strong network with the national and cantonal authorities and all relevant trade associations in Switzerland and abroad. The SKW is a member of the European umbrella organisations Cosmetics Europe and A.I.S.E. and works particularly closely with partner associations in the neighbouring countries of Germany, France, Italy and Austria. We are also a member of the International Association Collaboration (IAC), which brings together our partner associations from our industry's 40 most important export countries.
We have well-developed contacts and a trusted working relationship with the following authorities:
National partner organisations
Swiss Aerosol AssociationASA
The role of the ASA is to promote the Swiss aerosol industry. It coordinates technical and legislative issues.LinkThe Swiss professional hairdressers' associationcoiffureSUISSE
Manufacturers and importers of professional hair care products have their own expert group within the SKW. These companies have a long history of collaboration with coiffureSUISSE, the association for hairdressing salon owners in Switzerland.LinkThe umbrella association for the Swiss economyeconomiesuisse
Under the economiesuisse umbrella, 100 industrial associations, 20 cantonal chambers of commerce and individual companies have joined forces. Together, they represent around 100,000 companies from all sectors and regions of Switzerland and employ around two million people.The SKW is a member of economiesuisse.LinkEnvironmental protection, occupational health and safetyECO SWISS
The Swiss business organisation for environmental protection, occupational health and safety represents more than 200 companies and 11 associations. Its strengths lie in practice-based environmental protection, occupational safety and health protection. ECO SWISS provides a platform and a network for companies and organisations to address challenges and find solutions together.LinkHelvetic Association for Cosmetic IngredientsHCI
Industry association of manufacturers of raw materials and intermediates for cosmetic prod-ucts. Intensive professional exchange with cosmetic industry suppliers.LinkContact point for textile labellingGINETEX SWITZERLAND
GINETEX SWITZERLAND serves as the primary point of contact for all textile labelling is-sues. The organisation's goal is to create and promote a proper global care labelling system based on trademarked symbols. The SKW is a supporting member organisation of GINETEX SWITZERLAND and has a seat on the board.LinkLook Good Feel BetterLGFB
A charitable cosmetics industry organisation based at the SKW secretariat that provides free make-up and grooming workshops for cancer patients in hospitals. This boosts the patients' appearance and self-esteem. The SKW provides LGFB with subsidised physical resources.LinkThe Nielsen CompanyNielsenIQ
NielsenIQ offers a holistic range of market information from extensive sources, advanced management information tools and sophisticated analytical systems and methodologies. Its areas of expertise are:Link- Measuring market success
- Analysing market and consumer trends
- Identifying strengths and weaknesses in sales and marketing
- Discovering growth opportunities and market niches
The Swiss chemicals, pharma and life sciences industry associationscienceindustries
Switzerland's leading organisation for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Its ap-proximately 200 member companies are primarily active in the research, development, man-ufacture or sale of speciality pharmaceuticals, vitamins, industrial speciality chemicals, crop protection products, flavours and fragrances. The SKW has access to scienceindustries events and working groups and conducts coordi-nation discussions on legislation and law enforcement (for example, the VOC levy).LinkAssociation for soap, perfume and detergent professionalsSEPAWA
A professional organisation with strong ties to the SKW. This includes the joint planning of events and exchange of expertise. The SKW Managing Director is a member.LinkSwiss Flavour and Fragrance Industry AssociationSFFIA
Schweizerischer Aromen- und Riechstoff-Industrieverband. Cooperation in the technical field and in communication.LinkSwiss Professional Association for CosmeticsSFK
Professional association of beauticians (beauty salons). Cooperation in the technical field and in communication, joint events.LinkSwitzerland Global EnterpriseS-GE
S-GE is responsible for fulfilling the federal government's mandate to support Swiss and Liechtenstein companies in expanding their international activities. To this end, S-GE man-ages Business Network Switzerland, a comprehensive network of knowledge partners in Switzerland and internationally. The SKW is a cooperation partner for technical issues and trade fairs.LinkSwiss platform against counterfeiting and piracyStop-Piracy
Founded by the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property and ICC Switzerland (Swiss national committee of the International Chamber of Commerce). Objective: to combat piracy and counterfeiting by promoting cooperation between companies and the authorities and by raising public awareness. Collaboration with this organisation.LinkThe Swiss export associationswiss export
It is committed to the practical transfer of up-to-date knowledge and the beneficial network-ing of member companies. Since 1973, swiss export has developed into the largest private export promotion organisation. Today, several hundred export companies from all sectors are members of swiss export.LinkPromoting the circular economy for plastic packaging.Swiss Recycling
Various stakeholders from across the value chain have joined forces in Swiss Recycling's "Circular Economy Hub". This alliance aims to make recycling simpler, more transparent, of higher quality and more marketable. The aim is to reduce the environmental impact of plas-tic packaging.LinkSwiss Association for the Paint and Varnish IndustryVSLF
A leading national trade association for the coatings, paints and inks industry with around 60 members. Coordination meetings on legislation and law enforcement.Link -
International partner and umbrella associations
The International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance ProductsA.I.S.E.
The SKW is a member of the European umbrella organisation for the detergent and clean-ing products industry based in Brussels. Cooperation: coordinating the work of national as-sociations in the areas of legislation, professional/technical and communication. Implement-ing various pan-European sustainability projects at the national level, such as the Charter for Sustainable Cleaning.LinkAmerican Oil Chemists' SocietyAOCS
AOCS promotes the science and technology of oils, fats, proteins, surfactants and other related materials. Cooperation in the technical field.LinkThe Personal Care AssociationCosmetics Europe
The SKW is a member of the European umbrella organisation for the cosmetics industry based in Brussels. Coordinating the work of national associations in the areas of legislation, sustainability, professional/technical and communication. Various pan-European projects, e.g. for verified alternatives to animal testing in the LRSS (Long Range Science Strategy) research programme.LinkAssociation of the Austrian Chemical IndustryFCIO
Department of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO), with which the SKW works closely in many areas (e.g. legislation, technical issues, communication).LinkThe German Cosmetic, Toiletry, Perfumery and Detergent AssociationIKW
German association with which the SKW cooperates closely in many areas (e.g. legislation, technical issues, communication).LinkPersonal Care Products CouncilPCPC
The Personal Care Products Council is the leading US trade association for the cosmetics industry, based in Washington, DC, USA. PCPC provides a wide range of services to com-panies and partner associations. The SKW works with PCPC primarily in the areas of Global Regulatory and technical issues.Link -
National authorities
National environmental authorityFederal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
Main tasks: legislation (ordinance level) and overseeing the enforcement of environmental protection legislation which is important for the detergents and cleaning products industry. The VOC incentive tax also falls within the FOEN's broad remit. Close cooperation in technical and legal matters.LinkNational health authority, responsible for chemicals legislationFederal Office of Public Health (FOPH)
Main tasks: legislation (ordinance level), supervision of cantonal laboratories and enforce-ment of chemicals legislation. Close cooperation in technical and legal matters.LinkFederal Food Safety and Veterinary OfficeFSVO
Responsible for cosmetics legislation Main tasks: Legislation (ordinance level) and supervision of the cantonal laboratories with regard to food and commodities legislation. Close cooperation in technical and legal matters.LinkSwiss Federal Institute of Intellectual PropertyIPI
The Federal Government's central point of contact for all questions relating to patents, trademarks, designations of origin, design protection and copyright. Among other things, it provides information on how businesses can best use intellectual property rights systems and the freedoms to which they are entitled and offers trademark and patent searches. The IPI is also responsible for the administrative preparation of legis-lation in all areas of intellectual property. Cooperation on legislative issues (e.g. Swissness legislation).LinkState Secretariat for Economic AffairsSECO
SECO is the federal government's centre of excellence for all key economic policy issues. Its aim is to ensure sustainable economic growth. To achieve this, it creates the necessary regulatory and economic policy framework. Cooperation on legislative issues (e.g. avoiding technical trade barriers).Link