Expert groups – the SKW's drivers

Expert groups are both a source of knowledge and a driving force behind our work. More than 500 managers and employees from member companies participate in one or more of these open platforms.

We provide them with targeted internal information and obtain the same information when required. This enables the Administrative Office to anticipate the ever-changing needs of members and make the right decisions about projects and services in a timely and informed manner.

Compliance with antitrust regulations is paramount in this exchange of information and experience. This is essential for both the member companies and the SKW. Legally compliant, open and meaningful exchange is only possible under the "Compliance in SKW" protective shield.

Business contacts are made and common positions are developed in the expert groups. They act in an advisory capacity to the Management Board, giving them significant influence over the SKW's strategic objectives and enabling them to steer the association. The SKW expert groups are open to all individuals delegated by the member companies. Expertise and a willingness to play an active role in shaping the association's work are necessary.

Directly to

SKW Managing Directors' Conference (MDC)

Regardless of the technical aspects of the product categories represented, information that is important to managing directors is shared and exchanged here.

The SKW Administrative Office finds it particularly useful to gauge the current situation here and gather suggestions for its day-to-day work and future strategies.

It is open to CEOs, country managers and executives from all member companies.

Technical Committees (TCs)

With approximately 300 representatives from member companies, the two Technical Committees for Detergents and Cleaning Products (TC DCP) and Cosmetics (TC Cos) are the SKW's largest and most active expert groups.

They receive all the latest technical and regulatory information from the SKW on an ongoing basis.

For the SKW, they are an invaluable source of knowledge for a variety of tasks.

The short online updates on developments in cosmetics and chemicals legislation (Switzerland and EU) are extremely popular.

A half-day in-person meeting is held once a year with presentations by experts and members of authorities or partner associations and organisations. The intensive exchange of knowledge and experience between experts is extremely popular.

Swissness and Export

The Swissness and Export expert group comprises around 160 representatives from the 70 Swiss manufacturing companies in the SKW.

This expert group primarily deals with the issues and challenges facing a Swiss manufacturer with international reach. There is a particular need for information and exchanges of experience concerning the practical management of exports, registration, market access and distribution channels in the different target markets here.

A particular advantage is our global network of information on regulatory requirements for products in key export markets. This means that critical internal tasks can be delegated to the SKW in a cost-effective and timely manner.

At this expert group's annual meetings, we provide presentations on individual export countries and there is also an exchange of experiences between individual member companies and services from partner organisations and associations.

The SKW initiated the "Swiss-Made Cosmetics Ordinance" and has been involved in enforcing Swissness legislation abroad since it came into force. This is accomplished through the SKW's membership of the Swissness Enforcement public-private partnership.

Packaging and the Environment Expert Team

Sustainability, the environment, packaging and social responsibility are all key priorities in the day-to-day operations of consumer goods companies, regardless of sector.

The greatest challenge is to meet the stringent requirements of investors, NGOs, legislation and customers while always maintaining control over costs and product performance.

We organise webinars and live events for this expert group, allowing industry representatives to discuss current issues and exchange ideas with relevant stakeholders.

This expert group's main objectives are:

  • To improve the industry's unified presence in the areas of packaging and the environment through increased expertise and collaboration
  • To support circular economy projects, such as Swiss Recycle's "Sammlung 25".
  • To coordinate activities in the field of packaging with stakeholders and national and international umbrella and partner associations.
  • To create an expert network through the direct involvement of in-house specialists and external experts if necessary
  • To act as an advisory body to the Management Board and the Administrative Office

This expert group boasts approximately 100 company representatives.

VOC Expert Team

The incentive tax on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a unique aspect of Swiss environmental law. This tax is levied by the Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) on both imports into Switzerland and domestic production. The tax is refunded (border adjustment) if products containing VOCs are exported to other countries.

Depending on the product, this levy can be very costly for companies. On the one hand, there is the tax itself, but also the associated administrative costs (determining the VOC content of products, arranging payments, etc.).

The team of approximately ten experts is tasked with assisting the SKW in all matters pertaining to this tax, in particular with devising practical proposals to simplify the procedure.

Professional Haircare Expert Group (PHC)

The PHC expert group comprises ten members who supply hairdressing businesses with products and services. They have special requirements for the SKW in terms of technical and legal issues in the B2B sector.

Another key function of this expert group is to work with the Swiss industry association CoiffureSuisse on projects such as apprentice training or event sponsorship.

Professional Washing and Cleaning Expert Group (ProCl)

Over 20 company representatives comprise the expert group of manufacturers and importers of detergents, cleaning products and disinfectants in the B2B sector. They supply commercial and professional customers such as cleaning businesses, hospitals, homes, hotels and restaurants.

Their products are often subject to different regulations than household products in the regulatory area.

The SKW collects three statistics from this expert group for products, machines and equipment and regularly holds information and experience-sharing events.

Natural Cosmetics Expert Group

Several natural cosmetics manufacturers and importers are affiliated with the SKW. There are a growing number of companies interested in entering this market.

The SKW provides them with a platform where companies can communicate with each other and receive specific information and services, regardless of whether they offer certified natural cosmetics and, if so, which ones.

This working group has almost 50 company representatives.

Communication Expert Group

The SKW Administrative Office collaborates closely with the communication managers of its member companies. To this end, we have recorded them as an expert group in our CRM, divided into the areas of cosmetics, and detergents and cleaning products. 

The aim is to support the association's external communications. The Administrative Office contacts members of the Communications expert group to obtain feedback on media topics and prepare a position statement. We then publish these on the SKW website if necessary.

The Administrative Office is informed daily about current media issues and can respond quickly to any media enquiries thanks to the ARGUSavenue online portal.

All SKW members also have access to this portal. All relevant print, internet, TV or radio press releases are stored on it based on around 60 search keywords specified by the SKW.